![Bob LaBrie Training](https://i0.wp.com/labrietraining.com/wp-content/uploads/1897888-l1-Copy.jpg?fit=484%2C352&ssl=1)
![Bob LaBrie Training](https://i0.wp.com/labrietraining.com/wp-content/uploads/313430_10100917395064789_213563847_n1.jpg?fit=480%2C360&ssl=1)
Bob uses proven sales training solutions customized to the needs of the client. He offers effective sales methodologies that will dramatically improve their sales performance. Your sales professionals will learn how to engage buyers, quickly build trust, create value in their product or service, overcome objections, and close with confidence. The following courses are invaluable to both the novice Sales rep who needs training in all the basics or the seasoned professional as a review of the latest sales techniques now being taught. These courses are adaptable and can be used for individual one-on-one coaching.
Dynamic Salesmanship – Process Driven Selling
Sales professionals must be able to adapt their sales presentation to today’s dynamic, ever-changing sales environment to be successful. The definition of the word “dynamic” is multi-faceted. First, the word dynamic means continuously changing, displaying effective action, activity, or progress. Second, it is also used to describe an individual who has a positive mental attitude, is enthusiastic, and full of energy.
This sales training course is dynamic for these two reasons 1) it is designed to be able to change and acclimate to fit the needs and sales process of any company, service, or profession, 2) participants are taught to change their presentation to the way their customer prefers to buy.
A significant part of Dynamic Salesmanship is teaching sales professionals how to adapt to the personality and communication style of their prospects. They learn how to alter their presentation to make it more attractive and persuasive to their prospects. In other words – sell the way their prospect prefers to buy versus using the exact same presentation every time.
Sales professionals will learn how to develop and maintain a positive mental attitude and will be taught techniques that will enable them to stay enthusiastic no matter how their day is going or what is happening in the marketplace. Because selling is ever-changing, the Dynamic Sales Training course can be customized to the needs and objectives of each company.
Note: Each of the following courses are a part of the complete Dynamic Sales Training Course described above. However, each of these modules can also be taught as stand-alone training courses if a company wants to focus on just one or two areas, for example qualifying, overcoming objections or closing the sale.
Topics to Be Covered
- How to Develop a Sales Professional Mindset?
- Methods of Developing and Maintaining a Positive Mental Attitude
- How to Become More Persuasive?
- Seven Step Strategic Sales Presentation
- Qualifying – How to Strategically and Effectively Qualify Your Prospect
- Presentation – How to Put them in the Picture.
- Identifying and Overcoming Objections
- Closing the Sale Effectively and Seamlessly
LTC supports classroom, virtual, hybrid and other training delivery options. Learn more here.
Contact LTC at 207-415-3906 to get started!
Click on the title below to learn more about the course.
The first module in the Dynamic Sales Training Course is called The Sales Professionals Mindset. Course participants will discover that success in sales is largely predicated on their positive attitude and enthusiasm. One of the biggest reasons for failure in selling is not because sales professionals have lost their edge, but more because they are either afraid or their enthusiasm has waned.
Students will learn that if they have 1) enthusiasm for their product, 2) belief in themselves, their product, and company, and 3) possess a positive mental attitude – they have 70-80% of the battle won. Enthusiasm is contagious and people like to deal with people who are excited, confident, and believe in their product or service. A positive attitude will enable Sales Professionals to wade through the rejection, obstacles, and adversity that are inevitably a part of sales and customer service.
Students will learn several techniques to help them develop and maintain a positive state of mind; techniques like 1) positive self-talk, 2) how not to have a Kick the Cat kind of day, 3) what you focus on increases, and 4) how to not have a Bubble Day. They will also be taught how to develop and display an air of positive expectancy, in other words – how to expect their prospect to react positively to their recommendations so they will be more apt to do so.
Topics to Be Covered
- The Importance of Selling Yourself on Your Company
- How to Develop a Positive, Professional Sales Mindset
- The Psychology of “Why” Customers Buy
- Be Careful What You Say to Yourself – Keep It Positive!
- Excellence Is a Mindset
- Why is it Important to Understand the Concept that – Attitude Is Everything!
- What is the Difference Between Internal and external motivation
- How to Manage Your Emotional State of Mind on a Day-To-Day Basis
- How to Not Have a “Kick the Cat” Kind of Day
- Why it is Important to Be Careful what You Say to Yourself!
- How to Control Your Bubble days
- Why is Goal-setting essential for success
LTC supports classroom, virtual, hybrid and other training delivery options. Learn more here.
Contact LTC at 207-415-3906 to get started!
Communication Styles is an introductory course to a powerful concept called Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). NLP is the “study of subjective human experience.” Course participants will learn cutting – edge rapport building skills that work amazingly fast.
This course will teach attendees how to identify the Communication Style of their prospects or customers. They will also discover how to create almost instant rapport by adapting to and mirroring their customers Communication Style. Learning how to establish rapport is a critical skill that is missing in many sales training and customer service programs. Part of this course is about using the power of nonverbal communication and voice-inflection to establish rapport in a sales presentation or customer interaction. Students will discover that using words to establish rapport is the least effective mode of communication.
This course covers the importance of ensuring congruency in their communication. They will discover how easy it is to think they are saying one thing while sending an entirely different message to their customer. Most sales reps have been unconsciously mirroring people their entire lives and didn’t realize it. When they learn to mirror consciously, it becomes a very powerful tool for building rapport.
Attendees will learn how to first match their customers rate of speech, voice inflection, and tonality and then lead them verbally during this session. Attendees will also learn how to use these techniques on the telephone while prospecting or resolving customer complaints. Numerous personal and business applications are provided in each of these areas.
Topics to be covered:
- The Three Common Communication Styes
- What does it mean to Communicate Visually, Auditorily, or Kinesthetically
- What is Eye Elicitation and How to Use it
- What is Mirroring
- Why is Mirroring so powerful
- How to Mirror a prospect’s Communication Style and Working Personality Type
LTC supports classroom, virtual, hybrid and other training delivery options. Learn more here.
Contact LTC at 207-415-3906 to get started!
The focus of this module is about people – how they think, how they communicate, and how they like to be treated. Sales professionals will learn how to personalize their sales message to match each customer’s Working Personality Type. This information will enhance each sales professional’s ability to communicate more effectively with their prospects.
Participants will first discover their own Working Personality Type by completing a Questionnaire and how to discern this information in their prospects. Sales professionals will discover how to treat prospects the way they want to be treated. There are many types of personality tests that are available, many of which are quite complex. This course is designed to teach attendees how to discern and handle four basic Working Personality Types. They are simple to learn and easy to identify. They will also learn the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of each type.
As part of this course, sales professionals will be taught how to use a cutting-edge rapport building skill called Mirroring. They will learn how to use Mirroring to “personalize” their approach to each prospect based on the prospect’s personality type and the “cues” they display.
Finally, participants will receive instruction in Eight Essential People Skills that will enhance their ability to communicate with their prospects and customers. When these People Skills are combined with Mirroring, and Working Personality Types – participants will strengthen their ability to communicate exponentially and literally entice people to want to listen to them and follow their recommendations. When this course is combined with the Communication Styles training course participants develop an almost magnetic personality.
Topics to Be Covered
- Complete a Working Personality Type Questionnaire
- Learn to Identify the Four Working Personality Types
- What are the Strengths and Weaknesses of Each Working Personality Type
- How to Discern and Handle Each Type
- What is Mirroring
- How to Mirror
- How to Mirror a prospect’s Working Personality Type
- How to Get People Talking about Themselves using “You” talk
- How to Make People Feel Important
- What is Meant by Dynamic Listening Skills
- How to See the Situation through Your Customer’s Eyes
- How to Set Peoples Moods
- What does it mean to Reward the Behavior
- How to Easily Remember Your Customers Name
LTC supports classroom, virtual, hybrid and other training delivery options. Learn more here.
Contact LTC at 207-415-3906 to get started!
An essential part of any sales training course is learning how to become more persuasive. In today’s culture, one-on-one communication has diminished greatly due to excessive use of cell phones. As a result, individuals lack rapport building, communication, and persuasion skills. This module begins with changing participants perception of sales by demonstrating that “we all sell all the time.” Sales professionals are much more open to learning persuasion techniques and selling skills when they accept the fact that they are all natural born salespeople.
Most sales training courses do not spend enough time teaching how to become more persuasive. In other words, how to sell – what makes a person say yes to your product or service? However, an inordinate amount of time is spent learning the words of a presentation or the words of a script and virtually no time is spent learning “how” to say the words to sound more persuasive.
Persuasion skills are essential for success in sales. Sales reps will learn several concepts, principles, and techniques that will enable them to become more persuasive and ultimately more successful. Learning persuasion skills enables sales professionals to do what they do naturally every day, but with more finesse and professionalism. This session covers several Key Selling Points that enhance sales professionals’ ability to sell any product or service whether in person or on the telephone.
Topics to Be Covered
- We all Sell – all the Time.
- Are You a Natural Born Salesperson
- What are the Key Selling Points for Enhanced Persuasion
- What is the Difference Between Selling and Telling
- How to Get “Continuous Agreement” and Why It Is Important to Do So
- The Concept of Weighing & Deciding
- Customers Buy Emotionally – But Justify the Sale Logically
- What is Conversational Leading
- How Customers Make Decisions to Buy or Not to Buy
- Always Sell Benefits and Solutions – Not Features!
- Why Enthusiasm is Absolutely Essential for Success
- What are Dynamic Listening Skills
LTC supports classroom, virtual, hybrid and other training delivery options. Learn more here.
Contact LTC at 207-415-3906 to get started!
Strategic Selling is the blueprint of Dynamic Salesmanship. The Blueprint of a building shows how a building is to be designed, where features will be used, and where appliances will go. The blueprint of this course serves somewhat the same purpose.
Sales Professionals will discover that each step of a sales presentation has a specific purpose and order and is covered in meticulous detail. Every step has a clear objective to be reached and leads the prospect to the next step and ultimately to the close. Attendees will receive instruction on every aspect of a sales presentation to include 1) the importance of developing a selling mindset, 2) how to create almost instant rapport when first greeting their customers, 3) properly and completely qualifying their customer, 4) conducting a persuasive presentation, 5) principles of overcoming objections, and 6) several ways to close the sale.
Students will learn a Seven Step Strategic Sales presentation that can be used both in-person and virtually. They will discover how to integrate this sales presentation into their company’s sales process. There is an increased emphasis on Qualifying in this course. Attendees will discover that Qualifying is the most important step in the Sales presentation.
The information taught during this course will benefit anyone in sales – whether they are in retail sales, consultative selling, complex sales, new to the business of selling or a seasoned professional. Participants will gain tremendous insight and new knowledge that will enhance their selling skills and increase their sales productivity.
Topics to Be Covered
- What is Consultative Selling
- How to Conduct a Persuasive Seven Step Strategic Sales Presentation
- How to integrate the Sales Presentation into Your Sales Process
- Why is Qualifying the Most Important Step in Your Sales Presentation
- How to Set up Your Sale
- How to use Logical Sequencing
- Keeping Your Selling Message Simple and Pertinent
LTC supports classroom, virtual, hybrid and other training delivery options. Learn more here.
Contact LTC at 207-415-3906 to get started!
Are Objections good or bad? They are good! Today’s truly great sales professionals today look for, want, and identify objections. Why? Because after answering an objection, many times the prospect decides to buy your product or service. One of the biggest problems in selling is that sales professionals fail to ask for their prospects business because they don’t want to raise objections or get rejection.
Attendees will learn that often objections are simply questions that need to be answered before the prospect can make a buying decision. Attendees will learn that one of the keyways to reduce objections is to do a comprehensive job Qualifying their prospects. The reason for this is simple. It is much easier to answer a question on the front end of a presentation than to overcome an objection on the back end of a presentation.
Bob will explain how to avoid objections by providing examples of not doing or saying something that might raise objections in the first place. Attendees will learn words and terminology to avoid that can create objections. They will then learn the difference between general and specific objections and how to handle each type. Course participants will discover the difference between objections and conditions and some unique challenges that occur when trying to overcome objections.
Various aspects of overcoming objections will be taught, such as 1) why objections occur, 2) different types of objections, 3) the difference between smoke screens and real objections, 4) challenges and principles of overcoming objections, 5) different ways to avoid common objections, and 6) several methods of overcoming objections. The techniques covered during this module will make it easier for sales professionals to ask for the sale and easier for their prospects to say “yes.”
Topics to Be Covered
- Are Objections Good or Bad
- The Definition of an Objection
- The Difference Between General and Specific Objections
- Objections Versus Conditions
- The Challenges of Overcoming Objections
- How to Avoid Words that Cause Objections
- How to Handle “Smoke Screens”
- Principles of Overcoming Objections
- One of the Best ways of Overcoming Objections
- Several Methods of Overcoming Objections
LTC supports classroom, virtual, hybrid and other training delivery options. Learn more here.
Contact LTC at 207-415-3906 to get started!
Closing the sale is where the rubber meets the road. This step is feared by many salespersons because it is decision-time. Course participants will discover that if they Qualify well on the front end of the sale, very often, the close simply becomes the next logical step in a sound sales presentation. If sales professionals take the time to find out exactly what their customer wants, they won’t have to spend so much time trying to close the sale on the back end by using various closing techniques.
Bob will cover the Fundamental Rules of Closing. Attendees will learn how to develop a standardized closing sequence that they will use with virtually every customer. Participants will discover that the purpose of using closing techniques is to make it easier for your prospects to make a sound buying decision, not to manipulate someone to buy something they don’t want or need. Learning how to build rapport and establishing trust are also key factors to effectively closing the sale.
Sales Professionals will learn 1) the critical rule of closing, 2) the difference between a trial close in a regular close, 3) the fundamentals of closing, 4) the fact that the entire sales process is nothing but one big close – completed one minor close at a time, 5) how to detect buying signals, 6) principles and techniques of closing, and finally 7) several different methods of closing the sale to make it easier for your prospect to make a sound buying decision.
Topics to Be Covered
- What Does it Mean to Close the Sale
- What is the “Critical Rule” – When Closing
- What is the Difference Between a Trial Close and a Regular Close
- Principles of Closing the Sale
- Common Challenges of Closing the Sale
- How to Determine Buying Signals
- Several Methods of Closing the Sale
- Follow-on Service After the Sale
LTC supports classroom, virtual, hybrid and other training delivery options. Learn more here.
Contact LTC at 207-415-3906 to get started!
Prospecting is the Lifeblood of any business. This course begins with a with the question “What do you get paid to do?” The answers vary from getting paid to qualify, getting paid to sell, or getting paid to close. Very few sales professionals’ answer “we get paid to prospect.” Think about it – nothing can happen until a salesperson has someone to talk to.
Every sales professional is paid to prospect to old and new customers alike. Attendees are taught how they can beat better sales professionals by just being willing to talk to more people than better sales reps do or are willing to do. Effective prospecting is part numbers game and part presentation. In today’s economy, it is imperative that you tackle each day’s prospecting activities methodically, systematically, and strategically. Sales reps will be trained in how to develop an effective, daily, sustained prospecting system. Prospecting should be accomplished through multiple sources.
Attendees will be trained how to prospect through a combination of 1) cold calling, 2) email prospecting, 3) asking for referrals, 4) area canvassing, 5) texting, 6) networking, and 7) social media. Using multiple sources helps ensure a continual supply of leads will be available for prospecting. One of the most essential skills sales professionals can learn to efficiently manage several methods of prospecting is Time Management. Basic planning and time management, tailored specifically to prospecting, is covered during this course.
Topics to Be Covered
- The Concept of Prospecting
- How To Develop a Prospecting Mindset
- The Prospecting Pipeline
- How To Overcome “Approach Reluctance”
- How To Develop a Prospecting Plan of Action
- Improve Your Prospecting by Improving Your Time Management
- Tracking Your Prospecting Efforts
- Methods Of Prospecting
- How To Network in Person and Online
- How and Where to Form Business Alliances
- How to Ask for Referrals
LTC supports classroom, virtual, hybrid and other training delivery options. Learn more here.
Contact LTC at 207-415-3906 to get started!
Additional Sales Training Courses
The following additional sales training courses were created from repeated requests from companies and call centers. The courses offer a more condensed training on the Psychology of Persuasion, telephone selling skills, essential telephone techniques for customer service representatives, and specific training for companies who sell virtually. As with the previous sales training, these courses are adaptable and can be used for individual one-on-one coaching.
These courses are for both sales professionals and other non-traditional positions within companies.
The Psychology of Selling
Is it possible to get people to buy without selling? Think of businesses where you felt so good after purchasing their product or service that you almost couldn’t wait to tell other people about it and you actually looked forward to your next visit to those businesses. What did they do to make you want to return?
What did they do to make you want to return? Did they ask good questions? Did they listen to you? Did they know their product or service intimately? Were they able to effectively demonstrate how their product or service met your needs? Did you feel a strong connection with them? Chances are at least one, if not all, of these parameters was met.
One major focus of this course is the use of advanced psychological selling skills to get to know your customer better than you ever have before. There has always been some Psychology used in sales, but not like it is today. Today’s customers are more informed and more “savvy.” The more you learn about your customers and how they like to buy, the greater will be your propensity to sell them.
Seminar participants will be taught how to discern three communication styles and four Working Personality Types. This course is about enabling you to connect with your customers in such a way that they want to own your product, instead of you having to sell it to them. Sales Professionals will learn that the secret of becoming more persuasive is not by telling – it’s by asking!
Participants will discover how to turn any sentence into a question and use “Conversational Leading” to keep their presentation on track. Customers will feel like their sales reps are “helping them to own their product or service versus being sold” – which is a paradigm shift in the way typical sales presentations are delivered and received.
Topics to Be Covered
- What are the Three Communication Styles
- How to Discern the Three Common Communication Styes in Your Prospects
- How and When to Mirror Your Customer
- What are Working Personality Types
- How to Discern the Working Personality Type if your Prospect
- You Don’t Sell by Telling – You Sell by Asking!
- When to use Open-end and Close-ended Questions
- How to Turn any Sentence into a Question
- How and when to use Positive Affirmations
- How to Use Conversational Leading to Guide Your Presentation
LTC supports classroom, virtual, hybrid and other training delivery options. Learn more here.
Contact LTC at 207-415-3906 to get started!
Essential Telephone Skills
Nowhere is the slogan “it’s not what you say but how you say it that is important” truer than in telephone sales.
Nowhere is the slogan “it’s not what you say but how you say it that is important” truer than in telephone sales. When Sales reps are on the telephone it is as if they and their customers are blind. When someone is blind, their other senses are utilized at a higher level. What they say and how they sound intensifies while on the phone. If they sound doubtful – they sound really doubtful. if they sound confident – they sound really confident.
It is critical to ensure that telephone professionals sound enthusiastic, believable, confident, and expectant while telephone prospecting or dealing with customer problems or situations. Attendees will learn how to use voice-inflection, communication skills, and scripting during this course. Sales Reps typically develop their own personalized script(s) as they become more proficient on the phone. They will be taught how to enhance their personal script to deliver a more effective telephone sales message. They will also receive instruction on how to incorporate selling skills and sales techniques on the phone.
Consultative Telephone Sales
Another segment of this course is how to sell more effectively on the telephone using a Consultative Sales approach. Telephone sales representatives will learn the steps of a telephone consultative sales message. Bob will begin training on the differences between Consultative Selling and Regular Selling on the telephone. Participants will learn how to apply a consultative approach on the telephone using several telephone sales models. Attendees will learn how to build trust and rapport quickly and efficiently, listen more attentively on the telephone, and determine their customers’ buying needs and desires.
This seminar can also be designed and customized for customer service representatives (CSR’s) or telephone training for receptionists. Many companies now require their customer service representatives to use suggestive selling techniques while assisting customers. If a company requires its customer service representatives to upsell or add-on during customer interaction, they will be taught the concept of “Strategic Persuasion” as applied to the telephone. Attendees will then learn essential telemarketing techniques.
Telemarketer Topics to Be Covered
- It’s not What you Say – but How You Say it That is Important
- How to Overcome Telephobia – Fear of the Telephone
- Strategic Persuasion – Consultative Selling on the Telephone
- Advanced Telephone Selling Skills
- The Five Fears Associated to Telephone Sales
- How to Motivate Yourself to Dial the Phone
Customer Service Representative (CSR) and/or Receptionist Telephone Etiquette Training
- Basic Telephone Skills
- Telephone Etiquette
- How to Properly and Professionally Answer the Telephone
- How to Put Someone on Hold
- How to Properly Transfer a Call
- How to use the CUBES Method of Conflict Resolution
Additional Telephone Training for Telemarketers, CSRs and/or Receptionists
- Irritating Telephone Behavior to Avoid
- How to Accurately take a Message
- Training involving Voice Inflection and Intonation
- Suggestive Selling Skills (if required)
LTC supports classroom, virtual, hybrid and other training delivery options. Learn more here.
Contact LTC at 207-415-3906 to get started!
Virtual Selling
Although the steps of a sales presentation are the same, some steps are more difficult to perform when selling virtually.
Virtual selling is more prevalent in today’s marketplace. Although the steps of a sales presentation are the same, some steps are more difficult to perform when selling virtually. Sales Reps will discover that the main differences between selling one-on-one and selling virtually focus on building rapport and qualifying using open-ended questions. Building rapport must be deliberate and proactive when selling virtually.
Sales reps’ ability to create a collaborative discussion becomes more imperative because their use of non-verbal communication is limited during a virtual presentation. Participants will learn how to become more organized while qualifying because fact finding can be challenging when selling virtually. The effective use of targeted, pre-developed questions makes the job of Qualifying more pleasant and professional. Putting the customer in the picture is also a challenge, so attendees will learn story telling skills to emphasize key points.
They will discover how to balance their use of questions throughout the presentation, so the prospect doesn’t feel like they are being cross-examined. Knowing the medium (i.e., Zoom, Skype, etc.) they choose, intimately, is essential so sales reps will not appear inept or waste their prospects time with issues that should have been resolved before the presentation began. Important tips on how to use their medium will be covered in this course. Professionalism takes on an added significance when selling virtually.
Bob will instruct attendees on how to pay special attention to their background, lighting, grooming, and background noise. Inattentiveness in any of these areas can detract from their virtual presentation. Buyers will expect Sales Reps to be poised, polished, and professional in their appearance while presenting virtually.
Topics to Be Covered
- Building Rapport – Virtually
- How to Ask Questions During a Virtual Presentation
- Effective Qualifying / Fact Finding – Virtually
- How to Present a Persuasive Presentation – Virtually
- Know your Medium (Zoom, Skype, etc.) Intimately
LTC supports classroom, virtual, hybrid and other training delivery options. Learn more here.
Contact LTC at 207-415-3906 to get started!